Damn, gibt es irgendwas, das der Typ nicht kann? Sieht nicht so aus. Das ist der ultimative Showreel für die vielen Talente des Mike Knobel. Schaut besser genau hin.
Super smoother Style auf Backcountry Kickern? Jap. Eine gut etablierte und selbstbewusste artistische Vision? Jap. Ein origineller, selbst produzierter Soundtrack? Jap. Einzigartige Motion Graphics? Jap.
Wir sind einfach nur mehr baff.
Mike “Aemka” Knobel presents SWISS ARTSY KNIFE 2 – Full Movie
The long due sequel to Swiss Artsy Knife is finally here!
Just like the famous Swiss Army Knife, Mike “aemka” Knobel is a jack of all trades and arguably the only snowboarder to single-handedly make an entire movie solely with his own creative and athletic powers. Only the filming was left to a handful of talented friends and professionals. Follow Aemka on his path living a life full of snow, paint, pixels and drum-machines in a never ending quest to perfect his craft. Also features some surprise cameos by some fellow shredders!
ARTWORK by aemka
MUSIC by aemka
EDITING & POST by aemka
Website: aemka.ch
Facebook: facebook.com/aemka.ch
Instagram: instagram.com/aemka
Official Webshop: aemka.bigcartel.com