

Hi High Ep.1 – Colorado & Stubai – Petr Horak & Eric Beauchemin

Petr Horak hat seine Early Season im Stubai Zoo und Colorado verbracht und sowie er die Kicker Line in Colorado bearbeitet hat, kann man sagen, dass der Typ RIPPT – und auch weiß, wie man den gelungenen Tag ordentlich feiert.


„Hi guys, this is my new edit – Hi High Episode One – (homies will know what’s up with that name ;)) First half shows me and my buddy Eric Beauchemin shredding the Stubai Zoo park in November. The park was amazing, we had a lot of fun and Eric was killing it as always. After the early European shred I flew over to Colorado where I spent a couple weeks riding the park and chilling with my housemates from South Korea and Japan (you will see some shots from our New Year’s Eve party in the edit) All in all the last two months were pretty amazing and I stacked up enough footage to drop this little edit. After a short stop back at home I am back in the US doing a contest in Mammoth. Then I am going back to Colorado for two weeks and after that I am hopefully gonna send it at the ‚Big Air at Fenway‘ in Boston. My plan is to spend the rest of the season riding pow in Japan and going to The World Championships of snowboarding in China. Thanks to my friends for their support and stay tuned for my next episode! Peace out!“



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