

Ethan Morgan’s Intergalactic Park Edits Episode I: Di Dark Side Of Di D-Stone

Ethan Morgan hat eine Reihe neuer Park Edits am Start. Natürlich sind das keine gewöhnlichen Park Edits, wie ihr schwer in der Episode 1 vom Dachstein erkennen könnt. 

Episode 1 von Kommandant Ethan Morgan’s intergalaktischen Snowventures.

Here’s what Yoda thinks about it: „Edited and mostly filmed by Dört Mon aka Dördy Sanchez, it was. The D-Stone spacefighters (and sometimes also filmers, they are), Commander AJ Morgan Freemanson, Fresh Flocka, Sultan, Pete Diddy, Team Germany, Slashboiii, Anna Gasser (On Skis?!), Lisa Zimmermann (On a Snowboard?!), Heimo, Miak S aka The Don of E-Woks, Snowgirl, Rastamon, Stevie G, Dört Mon aka Dördy Sanchez, Riff Raff Global and of course, the evil imperator, „Special K“, together, bring back peace to the galaxy, they will.“

Möge die Macht mit euch sein!

Ethan Morgan's Intergalactic Park Edits

  1. Ethan Morgan’s Intergalactic Park Edits Episode I: Di Dark Side Of Di D-Stone
  2. Ethan Morgan’s Intergalactic Park Edits: Episode II - Revenge of the ‘Roos
  3. Ethan Morgan’s Intergalactic Park Edits: Ep. III – Invasion Of The Primestar
  4. Ethan Morgan’s Intergalactic Park Edits Episode IV: Penetrating Planet 'Murca



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