5 BilderKeinen Bock mehr auf deinen alten Job? Dann leg doch mit deinen Freunden zusammen und kaufe diese aktuell auf Craigslist angebotene Snowboardfabrik in Los Angeles!
Auf gut 110 Quadratmetern findest du hier alles, was du brauchst um verkaufsfertige Snowboards zu bauen. On Top gibt’s eine große Kundenkartei, so dass du direkt mit dem Geld verdienen loslegen kannst…
Hier die Original-Anzeige:
Snowboard Factory – ASSET SALE.
Complete with everything you need to start building snowboards today.
Ready to go.
$50,000 OBO
Tired of working your current dead end job, boss or work got you down, always looking to get outside and away from your current cubicle gig? I have the opposite problem! I am selling my snowboard factory as an upswing with my software business means I can no longer dedicate time and energy to making snowboards part time. This is an entire factory ASSET SALE with everything you need to start manufacturing snowboards (once your setup in a nice little shop of about 1,200 sq feet).
This is a GREAT business and comes complete with all the raw materials, workstations and machines for you to make 100+ snowboards immediately. I was able to make $75,000 to $100,00 a year clear doing this part time with a few friends helping out part time in the evenings. Last year I made $75,000 part – time (1099 available on request). I have a complete list of vendors that you can contact for supplies as well as a vendor who can help make custom top/base prints ready for you to put on custom boards for about $50. Cost to make a board is about $100-125 and you can sell boards for $500 and up each and make your investment back in less than a year doing this part-time.
Everything is currently located in Los Angeles in my 1200 sq ft shop and with this size of shop there is tons of room to work. Everything listed works and is very well maintained.
Tools can be replaced from Harbor Freight as needed or you can spend some $ and buy better quality tools.
Easy to learn and easy to do . . . plus you make tons of contacts and meet cool people all the time!
I would get free passes for the slopes all the time and trade shows are a blast. You will have a ton of fun – I guarantee it and you can learn most everything online. I will provide a list of sites for vendors, how-to’s and anything else to help you out. You may need to buy a couple of low cost licenses for Mach 3 (cnc control program), a CAD program (some are really inexpensive), and of course as you use supplies you will need to replenish them.
Includes rights to manufacture DRYVE branded snowboards. I also have a contact with a major vendor who does trade shows across the USA and this could help you make additional deals to re-coupe your investment and build your business.
I have a software product that is taking off and I need to dedicate my time to this
venture instead so I have to make a choice and have decided to let someone else take over this
and have their dream gig. There is no book of business included, just assets, supplies, machines and workstations. With a little hustle you and / or your family / friends will have a nice little business.
4 — digital presses with heat controllers & powered 2×25 ton hydraulic pumps
10 press jigs for a variety of boards from 90 to 180 cm
Extra jigs to see how they are made so you can make your own!
1 — manual press (no automated hydraulic press) for small boards (works with heat controllers)
Steel cassettes for snowboard presses
1 — wake board mold
~ 55 plexiglass cnc’d templates (90 to 180 cm) for boards
~ 55 sheet board templates for cores
4 steel cnc’d templates for jig ribs
5 — workstations
1 — cutting table with fiberglass storage rack
1 — 4 x 8 work table
2 snowboard work benches
1 vertical storage rack
3 portable storage racks
5 wall mount racks
3 smaller work tables
1 – 4 X 6 – 4 axis (x, y , z and rotating axis) cnc router
uses Mach 3, controller, computer, 15″ LCD and tooling
Small vacuum table (tiny — hand made)
1 — 2 hp dust machine
Epson 9800 printer — like new (recently serviced by Epson)
New printer head, large size refillable ink containers, new overflow ink containers
Ready for either sublimation or regular printing
400 feet of sublimation paper (44″ x 393′)
50 feet of sublimation top sheet (15″ x 50′)
2 — 2′ x 6′ 180 silk screens (new) & clamps
1 — Fontaine grinder / polisher (needs some paint to make it look pretty but works fine)
1 — planer
1 — band saw
1 — drill press
1 — compound miter saw with laser guide
1 — bench grinder
1 — desktop heat sealer
1 — floor heat sealer & heat gun
3 rolls of heat seal plastic
All hand-held tools (routers, drill, sanders, jig saw)
12 — rolls of 12, 19, 22 oz fiberglass (couple thousand feet total)
2 — rolls of carbon fiber & fiberglass composite strips
2 large rolls of VDS rubber
. . . all the crazy glue you need!
Red, Black, White ABS for sidewalls (a lot! 4′ x 4′ and 12″ x 48″ sheets)
Black – tip and tail ABS (a lot! 12″ x 48″ sheets)
White – tip and tail ABS (a lot! 4′ x 4′ sheets)
2 — 1200 foot steel edge rolls (300 lbs of steel from Germany already in the US!)
3 — resin kits (resin, hardener) ~30 gallons in 5 gallon containers with pumps
Eco friendly and high temperature kits
1000 + stainless steel inserts
~ 50 unfinished wood cores
~ 100 finished wood cores
500 ft Black Ultradurasurf 4500 (base sheet)
500 ft Gray Pennite 2000
500 ft White Pennite 2000
~1000 ft Clear top sheet
assortment of base sheet (high performance with graphite)
Tons of spring clamps, c-clamps, wood clamps and rollers
Trade show display racks
10 trade show boards sealed in plastic and in carry bags
1 — 30′ x 10′ x 4′ pallet rack assembly (new — needs to be uninstalled)
Other odds and ends included such as bindings, accessories, huge box of stickers
I prefer to sell this complete without separating anything out.
I may be open to cash and an older Porsche 911 or AC Cobra replica kit car on trade.