

Thomas Iversen ‚I Am A Warrior‘ – Teaser

Thomas Iversen ist ein Boss! Checkt den Teaser seines Full Parts der NoBudget Production Crew, der am 9. November aufs Internet losgelassen wird. 


Hier noch die Meldung des NoBudget Filmers, Lowe Andersson:

I would like to introduce my new movie project, I AM A WARRIOR. It´s a follow up to my latest project The Warriors, the difference this time is that it was pretty much only me and Thomas involved. A two man show so to say. We worked our butts off through the cold winter and managed to put this part together despite all the obstacles that got in our way, to start with we only had five weeks to film, the winch fucked up and Thomas took a lot of heavy slams and one time he even broke his face.. So you understand it wasn’t a piece of cake making this movie.

This is a sneakpeak of what’s to come.

Full edit drops 9th of November.



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